William Street Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on William Street in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 5 Lilium (florists)
- 7 Herbie West End (delicatessens)
- 23 The Melville Bar (pubs & clubs)
- 29 Berts Bar (pubs & clubs)
- 33 Silvagni's Uppercrust (caterers)
- 51 Rocco Venezia (off licences)
- 4 Arkangel (clothing shops)
- 18 Fling (gift shops)
- 20 Brian Rafferty Hair Dressing (hairdressers & barbers)
- 26 Teuchters (pubs & clubs)
If you know of a business on William Street not listed above, then please let us know.