St Johns Road Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on St Johns Road in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 119 D&A The Opticians (St Johns Road) (opticians)
- 125 Anglican Home Improvements (glaziers)
- 129 Williamson Design Florist (Edinburgh Corstorphine) (florists)
- 139 Greggs (St Johns Road) (bakers & confectioners)
- 143 Body Bronzing (tanning salons)
- 159 Oxfam Charity Shop (Corstorphine) (charity shops)
- 215 Chatterbox (St Johns Road) (bakers & confectioners)
- 221 Wong's Chinese Restaurant (chinese restaurants)
- 247 Warners (St Johns Road) (solicitors)
- 263 Lister Estate Agents & Financial Services (financial advisers)
- 277 S Millar Builders & Joiners (joiners)
- 22 Dickson, McNiven & Dunn (solicitors)
- 22 McNivens SSC (solicitors)
- 64 Donachie Bakers (St Johns Road) (bakers & confectioners)
- 84 TaxAssist Accountants (accountants)
- 92 Agenda (3 Stars) (hotels)
- 104 George Armstrong Fishmongers (Corstorphine) (fishmongers)
- 138 Neilsons (Head Office) (solicitors)
- 144 NRS (management & business consultants)
If you know of a business on St Johns Road not listed above, then please let us know.