Mitchell Street Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on Mitchell Street in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 5 Kiwi Joinery (joiners)
- 5 Edinburgh Residential & Office Space (letting agents & property managers)
- 5 Nutrend (interiors & furniture)
- 5 Translate Scotland (public relations consultants)
- 5 Bidagri (professional services)
- 5 Family Advertising (advertising & marketing agencies)
- 5 Boyter Electrical Services (electricians)
- 5 Australian Honorary Consulate (consulates)
- 5 Callisti (web designers & seo)
- 23 Edmonds Advertising (advertising & marketing agencies)
- 51 AEA Hospitality (recruitment agencies)
If you know of a business on Mitchell Street not listed above, then please let us know.