Lauriston Place Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on Lauriston Place in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- George Heriot's School (independent schools)
- Everything is going to be Alright (life & personal coaches)
- 1 Edinburgh Dental Institute (hospitals)
- 15 Maclay Murray & Spens LLP (Edinburgh) (solicitors)
- 15 PureGym (health clubs & spas)
- 77 Haven Housing Association (hostels)
- 109 Pendletons (sandwich shops)
- 115 Littlejohns (letting agents & property managers)
- 117 Communications Point (printers & lithographers)
- 133 Garden Haig (solicitors)
- 32 Inner-Still (Massage & Reiki Treatments) (alternative & complementary health)
- 74 Edinburgh College of Art (university departments)
If you know of a business on Lauriston Place not listed above, then please let us know.