Gilmore Place Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on Gilmore Place in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 95 Abrakebabra (take aways)
- 119 Wallace Artworks (photographers)
- 139 1st Clear Choice (glaziers)
- 139 Viewforth Glazing (glaziers)
- 169 ITRI Restaurant (italian restaurants)
- 179 Leslie D Howson Chartered Architect (architects)
- 185 BG Connor & Co (accountants)
- 44 Averon Guest House (guest houses)
- 62 Bruntsfield Web Design (web designers & seo)
- 130 Douglas McBride Photography (photographers)
If you know of a business on Gilmore Place not listed above, then please let us know.