Commercial Street Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on Commercial Street in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 7 Diner7 (steakhouses & american restaurants)
- 9 Inspiration Chinese Restaurant (chinese restaurants)
- 11 Energy Saving Trust (environmental consultants)
- 23 Cameo Bar (pubs & clubs)
- 41 Tiso Edinburgh Outdoor Experience (sports equipment)
- 41 Whitexpress Transport Services (couriers)
- 41 Glen Osprey (tour operators)
- 41 John Muir Trust (voluntary groups)
- 2 Marketing Concepts (advertising & marketing agencies)
- 2 Susie Lowe Photography (photographers)
- 2 Liberty & Cole Communications (public relations consultants)
- 6 Relish (delicatessens)
- 80 Holmes Partnership (architects)
- 92 Mya (thai restaurants)
- 102 Fentek Audio (musicians & bands)
- 102 White Oak Joinery (joiners)
- 102 The Deodoriser (vehicle valets & cleaners)
- 108 Syntax Digital Solutions (web designers & seo)
- 112 Gregor Shore (builders & property developers)
- 142 Realise (web designers & seo)
If you know of a business on Commercial Street not listed above, then please let us know.