Colinton Road Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on Colinton Road in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 9 George Hardie & Son (joiners)
- 67 George Watson's College (independent schools)
- 81 McNaughton Physiotherapy Clinic (physiotherapists)
- 101 Jason Hall Hairdressing (Colinton) (hairdressers & barbers)
- 219 SlickTouch (web designers & seo)
- 219 TaxiCom (advertising & marketing agencies)
- 219 WebTech Edinburgh (web designers & seo)
- 219 Byteware (web designers & seo)
- 219 Polie (gift shops)
- 257 Firrhill Physiotherapy Service (physiotherapists)
- 10 Blue Crystal Marketing (advertising & marketing agencies)
- 10 Odd Panda Design (web designers & seo)
- 10 Blot Design (web designers & seo)
- 116 Western Mercedes Benz (vehicle sales & repairers)
- 118 Strawberry Productions (photographers)
- 120 123 Computing Support (it services)
- 132 Oddbins (Colinton Road) (off licences)
- 136 Knight Gentlemen's Stylist (hairdressers & barbers)
- 198 Martins Removal Services (removals, relocation & storage)
If you know of a business on Colinton Road not listed above, then please let us know.