Causewayside Listings
The following is a list of all of the businesses, groups and societies on Causewayside in Edinburgh listed in the Edinburgh Directory.
- 19 Hewat's Restaurant (scottish & fine dining restaurants)
- 33 Feet First (chiropodists)
- 39 Majestic (off licences)
- 49 Celadon Restaurant (thai restaurants)
- 103 Sambuca Ristorante (italian restaurants)
- 215 Smart Home Networks (household & trades)
- 223 The Pizza Factory (pizza delivery & takeaway)
- 233 The New Bell (scottish & fine dining restaurants)
- 233 The Old Bell Inn & Restaurant (pubs & clubs)
- 86 Edinburgh Institute for Counselling & Psychotherapy (counsellors & psychotherapists)
- 86 Counselling & Psychotherapy Training Institute (counsellors & psychotherapists)
- 86 Mindfrequency Coounselling & Psychotherapy (counsellors & psychotherapists)
- 140 Scottish Law Commission (professional services)
- 148 Rick Shaws World Cuisine (take aways)
- 160 Digby Brown (Edinburgh) (solicitors)
- 160 Digby Brown Solicitors (solicitors)
- 190 Pataka (indian restaurants)
- 250 The Bike Station (bike shops)
If you know of a business on Causewayside not listed above, then please let us know.