Virgin Active
Phone: 0845 270 4093
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Health Clubs & Spas in Edinburgh
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1 user review(s)

I went here when it was Holmes Place and it was a nice, clean, chilled gym. Since Virgin took over it's gone downhill, the maintenance is shocking, the toiletries are cheaper, there's more chlorine in the pool, air conditioning never works and is always set too high. Their maintenance is shocking, equipment is always out of order and recently there has been a towel shortage lasting more than 6 weeks. The staff are quite rude and not good at dealing with complaints. They did put in a whole load of new equipment which is state of the art and made the workout area bigger which is a plus. They have really good pilates equipment to use at the mats for stretching. The cafe is good but expensive and they took away a range of drinks to put in the Virngin drinks (boo). Overall it's not worth the money or hype (2/5)
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Health Clubs & Spas in Edinburgh Scotland
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