The Royal Hospital for Sick Children
Phone: 0131 536 0000
Web: Website not known
Hospitals in Edinburgh , Sciennes Road in Edinburgh
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6 user review(s)
Our son had major spinal surgery under the care of Mr Adams and his fantastic team on 18/10/12 and we cannot praise the medical staff and family support staff highly enough. We will be eternally grateful. (5/5)
I've been coming to the sick kids since birth after being diagnosed with a life long condition called Fibrosing Alvelitis. Im 16 now and still go! Everyone is great and i'd deffs recommend the hospital!! (5/5)
6 week old baby attended a&e with severe bronchiolitis and was seen immediately.The emergency care for the child and the support given to the family was excellent. The child was in the hospital for a total of 2 weeks and the care provided could not be faulted. (4/5)
My 12 month old son arrived to hospital with 39 degrees fever after more than an hour of waiting we were told that other children were sicker than mine after we asked why all the other children were being seen on arrival. After 2 hrs waiting I took my very tired and unwell son back home withouth having been seen. What a shame. (2/5)
My Daughter has been attending The Royal Hospital for Sick Children since birth, she is 5 now, and every time we have been, through all sorts of procedures, we have all been treated extremely well and kept in the loop of what exactly was happeing. My Daughter was always made to feel special by the staff and this made her feel completely at ease and she trusts the staff completely. What was truly special to me was every time my Daughter was given a general anesthetic, her special teddy which she was always allowed with her, was given the mask first to show my Daughter exactly what would happen to her, an excellent team and an excellent hospital. Thanks. (5/5)
My son has been visiting the hospital since birth and has received first rate care. Top specialist!!! with many many thanks to an excellent hospital. (5/5)
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