The Chinese Manor House
EH12 8HL
Phone: 0131 334 9545
Web: Website not known
Chinese Restaurants in Edinburgh , Glasgow Road in Edinburgh
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4 user review(s)
I know this site says a rating of 5 should be used sparingly, if at all but I've been to a few restaurants in Edinburgh and this is by far my favourite. The food is gorgeous and the staff are so friendly, the service is second to none. The staff seem to intuitively know when they are needed, and when they are not. The food arrives promptly without much of a wait and the atmosphere is very relaxed. I cannot praise this place enough. (5/5)
Having visited many chinese restaurants this has to be the best in town. We cannot recommend it enough. Taste, freshness, quality of food and service is second to none. Very seldom do restaurants get it right everytime but The Manor House do everytime. (5/5)
I have dined in the restauraunt several times and it has never dissapointed. No matter what dish you have, the food is always of an exceptional quality, not just the great taste but you can tell the meat etc. is a very good quality. Not like other chinease retaurants that serve meat that tesco value would not even consider selling. The staff are friendly and give good service. Definite 5 stars and the thumbs up. (5/5)
I love this restaurant! Staff are very friendly and the food arrives promptly. Flavours of every dish are fresh and delicious. I highly recommend the business lunch at approx £8.95 for 3 courses (quite a big selection). Reasonably priced evening menu, although a little higher than the average Chinese restaurant...still - the food certainly isn't of average Chinese restaurant quality, so it more than makes up for it! Definitely my favourite Chinese restaurant in Edinburgh! (4/5)
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Chinese Restaurants in Edinburgh Scotland
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