Thai Lemongrass
EH10 4HJ
Phone: 0131 229 2225
Web: Website not known
Thai Restaurants in Edinburgh , Bruntsfield Place in Edinburgh
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7 user review(s)
Have been on at least 30 occasions and never had a bad meal. Food and service are excellent. (4/5)
the best restaurant in edinburgh very good service very good chef (4/5)
I have now visited this restaurant on two occasions and can honestly say it is the best Thai I have ever had. On my last visit I could see straight into the kitchen which was spotless.The staff are always helpful and friendly. I recommend the deep fried sea bass. (4/5)
Consistantly good in the restaurant. The soups are excellent. Obviously avoid the take aways then. (4/5)
fabulous food, service was excellent would highly recommend (5/5)
Food was extremely poor. We had takeaway food and the container for the chicken curry was not even half filled. The fish cakes tasted of rubber. The green vegetable curry was cloying and the vegetables were soggy. All in all, this was over priced and one of the worst thai meals I have had. (2/5)
In the last couple of years, I've repeatedly been to the Thai Lemongrass at Bruntsfield Place, and can only say I can fully recommend it. The very attentive staff, who greats visitors with a bow when entering and leaving have served a succulent Thai chicken green curry, the places is clean and well-decorated. (4/5)
The views expressed here are those of site visitors - not necessarily those of the administrators or owners of this site.
Thai Restaurants in Edinburgh Scotland
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