Stockbridge Roofing
7/3 Saunders Street
Phone: 0131 226 3233
Web: Website not known
Roofers in Edinburgh , Saunders Street in Edinburgh
1 user review(s)
by Tom Bancroft (Edinburgh) on 14 November 2009
Demanded half the money and then ran off after doing what turned out to be less than half the job and never responded to any calls. left me in a real hole just before xmas - so had to finish job myself. initially he told me to space out roof battens too wide so that a) it would be less work for him but b) the roof would leak. Because I spotted this and spaced battens correctly is probably why he did a bunk. seemed like a nice guy but totally untrustworthy and cynical. (1/5)
Demanded half the money and then ran off after doing what turned out to be less than half the job and never responded to any calls. left me in a real hole just before xmas - so had to finish job myself. initially he told me to space out roof battens too wide so that a) it would be less work for him but b) the roof would leak. Because I spotted this and spaced battens correctly is probably why he did a bunk. seemed like a nice guy but totally untrustworthy and cynical. (1/5)
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Roofers in Edinburgh Scotland
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