Santini Restaurant
Phone: 0131 221 7788
Web: Website not known
Italian Restaurants in Edinburgh , Conference Square in Edinburgh
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1 user review(s)
The evening started ominously when three taxi driver didn't know where Santini was, which turned out to be behind the Sheraton Grand. The interior was minimal, modern and had an elegant atmosphere. The staff were exceptionally nice and service was very good and quick - well worth the 10% service charge. The downside with Santini is sadly the food. A starter of foccacia delicata was a delight and unfortunately a false dawn. I know this'll sound strange coming from an Aberdonian, but the portion sizes were just too big. The lasagne bolognese seemed to be all tomato and no beef; the pollo piemontese contained beans which were not described on the menu and the tiramisu had too much cocoa and not enough marsala. I was going to give a rating of 2 because of the food quality but this would be unkind to the front line staff. (3/5)
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Italian Restaurants in Edinburgh Scotland
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