Panda Inn
Phone: 0131 228 8293
Web: Website not known
Chinese Restaurants in Edinburgh , Leven Street in Edinburgh
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3 user review(s)
This place is amazing! the food is lovely- and the service is great- really friendly and helpful staff. I go there as often as I can & am never disappointed! (4/5)
This restaurant is a real gem. From the outside it looks pretty dated and the decor leaves a lot to be desired, but the food is absolutely superb. The Salt & Spicy mushrooms are something quite special. Vegetarians are well catered for and there is a good selection of fish and meat dishes. The only downside is the decor - but it bizarrely adds to the charm of the place. (4/5)
We were in the Bruntsfield area having just installed my daughter in a university flat for the year. A total stranger gave a glowing recommendation which was thoroughly justified. A fine range of dishes, well-cooked but not overcooked; very attentive service, with helpful, sensible suggestions from the (?) owner. Superlative value for money, will definitely be returning one day (4/5)
The views expressed here are those of site visitors - not necessarily those of the administrators or owners of this site.
Chinese Restaurants in Edinburgh Scotland
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