Lily West
Phone: 0131 228 6003
Web: Website not shown
Florists in Edinburgh , West Port in Edinburgh
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2 user review(s)

This was the worst florist I have ever used. The staff were exceptionally rude and difficult even when I explained what I wanted, lots of the flowers were already on their way out. The woman refused to come off the phone while she spoke to me. I would definitely not recommend this. (1/5)

This is a great florist that I have used on many occasions to send flowers to relatives in Edinburgh. The owner (I think) was always friendly and chatty on the phone and very accomidating if i needed flowers delivered in a hurry. Flowers were always fresh and beautiful and lasted for a while and for a very good price. Would recommed Lily West to anyone. Keep up the good work (5/5)
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Florists in Edinburgh Scotland
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