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Music Shops in Edinburgh
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3 user review(s)

I took in my Ibanez with Floyd Rose Tremolo problems and these guys sorted it out completely. It's never stayed in tune till now. They setup my wammy so it goes all the way down, till the strings are hanging off and then comes back into tune. Brilliant, Fantastic! I'm going to buy my next guitar from them and a new amp. Been in there today an they now have ENGL amps in stock. Good guys. (5/5)

I bought a guitar from these guys the other week and couldn't be happier with it! Staff were friendly and helpful, they let me try some similar models to decide the right Guitar for me and then even threw in a free strap with it! They seem to have some great guitars for everyone and some weird but cool looking instruments too! (5/5)

I would not recommend this store at all. The staff were unhelpful and rude. They did not seem interested in helping the customer one bit. (1/5)
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Music Shops in Edinburgh Scotland
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