Cocobean Cafe
EH12 6JQ
Phone: Unknown
Web: Website not known
Cafes & Coffee Shops in Edinburgh , Corstorphine Road in Edinburgh
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5 user review(s)
Me and my boyfriend go in to this very welcoming and friendly cafe, the food that they make is absolutely delicious, I would highly recommend it. The staff are very funny I'd love to work in there myself. (5/5)
Called in for a well needed cup of tea on a cycling tour - and had a toasted scone with trimmings all served with enthusiasm and cheer. Inexpensive and welcoming. Thanks! (5/5)
Excellent food, great customer service which sometimes includes mad Gavin singing to the customers! Glad his culinary skills better than his singing!! great wee cafe for catch up with friends over a coffee and delish home made cakes or brekkie or lunch!! done it all!! oh and the outside catering is also highly recommended! EH12 better place with CBC in it! (5/5)
A great little cafe with friendly service and interesting daily specials. (5/5)
popped in for a quick latte and was persuaded with the smells in the cafe to have some soup pea and ham i ahd and my buddy had a steak bagguette. both where excellent. and then the latte frothy creamy with caffiene kick thats made me go back several times since. keep up the good work... (5/5)
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Cafes & Coffee Shops in Edinburgh Scotland
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