Belhaven Brewery Company
East Lothian
EH42 1RS
Phone: 01368 862734
Web: Website not shown
Breweries in Dunbar , Spott Road in Dunbar
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1 user review(s)

The smell of public toilets is evident as soon as I enter. This has become a permanent feature. Last night we were forced to vacate a table because it had been booked for meals, even although it was in the bar area and no 'reserved' notice had been displayed. When I told the manager I was surprised anyone would want to eat in the bar area because dogs are allowed and because of the urine smell she walked away and was clearly heard to say 'stupid man!'. This was overheard by my 5 companions. This is not the behaviour I would expect from the manager of such a well-liked local hostelry. (2/5)
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