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Record, CD & DVD Shops in Edinburgh , Cockburn Street in Edinburgh
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4 user review(s)

evert Thing seems very exspensive in this shop . It would pay to look around. (2/5)

haha, so happy when i stumbled upon the below comments - glad to see i'm not the only one who's nose has been offended! someone told me the stinky fella is actually the OWNER! regardless, the glasgow store is much better - more interesting selection, less pandering to nme-indie, better staff and i've never seen the smelly fella in there. (3/5)

yes, i no what you mean about the hygiene problem. As i was browsing a cd collection, when i was bombarded with a stench. Horribly off-putting. And i left the shop. (3/5)

A fairly good shop; good prices and a good selection of less mainstream cds. However, one member of staff lacks manners and even the basic level of personal hygiene. Quite off-putting when you're trying to ideally browse for records. (4/5)
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Record, CD & DVD Shops in Edinburgh Scotland
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