20 20 Opticians
EH11 2RQ
Phone: 0131 622 2222
Web: Website not shown
Opticians in Edinburgh , Gorgie Road in Edinburgh
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2 user review(s)
Visited 20/20 vision for an eye examination a year ago. Optometrist was highly professional and matched the prescription to my vision perfectly. Great selection of eyewear and oustanding service from Practice Manager (PM). Dropped by yesterday to ask about a replacement case for my Lindbergs. The PM cleaned, adjusted and serviced my glasses and ordered up a case, ready for me later in the day. All in all, the whole team in the practice exude friendly professionalism. (5/5)
I can't praise enough Optometrist Laurie Barron at this branch of 20/20. Over the years I have previously attended other well known opticians but never received such a thorough and detailed eye test. Laurie even carried out a special test to check my tear ducts where I found out one was completely blocked (I, believe it or not, was actually advised by a eye specialist during a hospital appointment,I would have to undergo and small op. to determine this ?) Laurie then advised of which eye drops would prove beneficial. Contact lenses were put in by Laurie to allow myself to see properly when choosing my new glasses, never offered before at any optician and was so helpful. All staff especially Frances who dealt with fitting, choice of lenses etc. were informative and friendly. I really was made to feel at home and a valued customer. Really World class service which I very rarely give in a review. (5/5)
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Opticians in Edinburgh Scotland
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