Primary Schools

Bruntsfield Primary School

Montpelier, Edinburgh, EH10 4NA
T. 0131 229 1821
(0 user reviews)

Corstorphine Primary School

Corstorphine High Street, Edinburgh, EH12 7SY
T. 0131 334 3865
(0 user reviews)

Flora Stevenson Primary School

Comely Bank Road, Edinburgh
T. 0131 332 1604
(0 user reviews)

Humbie Primary School

Humbie, East Lothian, EH36 5PJ
(0 user reviews)

Juniper Green Primary School

84 Dumbryden Gardens, Juniper Green, Midlothian, EH14 2NZ
T. 0131 442 2121
(0 user reviews)

Stockbridge Primary School

17 Hamilton Place, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 5BA
T. 0131 332 6109
(0 user reviews)

Primary Schools in Edinburgh Scotland
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