Oil & Gas Exploration

Bredero Shaw

Bredero House, Imperial Dock, Edinburgh, EH6 7DT
T. 0131 553 9600
(0 user reviews)

British Pipe Coaters

Bredero House, Imperial Dock, Edinburgh, EH6 7DR
T. 0131 553 9640
(0 user reviews)

Cairn Energy

50 Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH3 9BY
T. 0131 475 3000
(0 user reviews)

Edinburgh Petroleum Services

12 Heriott Watt Research Park, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP
T. 0131 449 4536
(0 user reviews)

Melrose Resources

7th Floor Exchange Tower, 19 Canning Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EG
T. 0131 221 3360
(0 user reviews)

PGS Multi Transient

40 Sciennes, Edinburgh, EH9 1NJ
T. 0131 466 3511
(0 user reviews)

Petroleum Developments International

2 Broomyknowe, Edinburgh, EH14 1JZ
T. 0131 441 4442
(0 user reviews)

Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty Services

Unit 3 Newhailes Industrial Estate, Newhailes Road, Musselburgh, East Lothian, EH21 6SY
T. 0131 653 3700
(0 user reviews)

Weisenborn Linskaill and Associates

3 Falcon Gardens, Edinburgh, EH10 4AP
T. 0131 447 1446
(0 user reviews)

Oil & Gas Exploration in Edinburgh Scotland
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