Ar Turas
33 Burnbank Grove, Straiton near Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9NX
T. 0131 448 0543
(0 user reviews)
Mandy's Genealogy
6/2 Portland Gardens, Edinburgh, EH6 6NJ
T. 0131 555 6651
(0 user reviews)
Scottish Ancestors
Dalry Cemetery Lodge, 227 Dalry Road, Edinburgh, EH11 2EQ
T. 0131 337 4879
(0 user reviews)
Scottish Forebears
49 Almondbank Terrace, Edinburgh, EH11 1SR
T. 0131 337 4749
(0 user reviews)
Scottish Roots
16 Forth Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3LH
T. 0131 477 8214
(0 user reviews)
Genealogists in Edinburgh Scotland
If you know of another genealogist in Edinburgh, or corrections (address, telephone number, etc.) to any genealogist we currently list, then please let us know. Also, if you own or run a Edinburgh genealogist and would like to link to our site then please see our linking instructions.